Home / Armenia / Liberty Square Gets Rid of Children’s Rides, Attractions

Liberty Square Gets Rid of Children’s Rides, Attractions

The numerous children’s rides and attractions placed on Yerevan’s Liberty Square have been removed — with only the temporary stage left standing.

Public relations department staff at Yerevan City Hall told Epress.am that the trampoline that was placed in the square doesn’t ensure children’s safety.

“The remainder was removed because the culture department is planning other events. This stage of events has come to an end; now events of another nature will be carried out,” informed the municipality’s press department, not providing further details.

Currently, a concert is underway in the square by the Association of Old Yerevan Residents’ “Autumn Voice” choir. Just a little while ago, they were singing Armenian musicologist Grikor Mirzaian Suni’s well-known song “Kerin Yegav” (“Uncle Came to Our Yard”).

Recall, opposition group the Armenian National Congress has submitted over a couple dozen requests to the city to hold a rally in Liberty Square, all of which Yerevan City Hall has denied, citing the presence of sports and cultural events, including a playground for children, in the square.